
„Стратегия за един път“ на Шакман, F3000 сметища блестят на международния пазар

Шакмануспешно се появи на международната сцена със своята точна „стратегия за един страничен и един“. Among them, the F3000 dump truck, as a star product of Shacman, has become the first choice for many overseas customers with its high cost – performance ratio and excellent durability.




Theпоказва своите предимства по тази стратегия. In terms of power, it is equipped with the Weichai Lanqing WP10 series high – horsepower engine, which has a large low – speed torque and strong heavy – load climbing ability, with a power range of 240 – 375 horsepower. It is equipped with the latest high – pressure common – rail system of Bosch in Germany and built – in EGR technology, which has excellent fuel economy, and the combustion efficiency is increased by 10% compared with the past, effectively reducing the operating costs.


По отношение на структурата на тялото,


Цялата карета е изработена от вносни материали с висока якост, а страничните плочи са щамповани и образувани наведнъж. Той е близо 2 тона по -лек от общия карета на материала на плочата, но якостта се увеличава с 3,2 пъти. The self – weight of the whole vehicle is only 13.5 tons, which effectively increases the effective load of the vehicle and greatly improves the transportation efficiency.


With the precise layout of the “one – country – one – strategy” and the outstanding performance of the F3000 dump truck, Shacman's sales volume in the overseas market has continued to rise, and its brand influence has been constantly expanding. В бъдеще,Шакман


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Време за публикация: 27-2025 февруари